Invitation Only Taco Tuesday

Jungle Hollywood 1640 North Cahuenga Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Welcome to LA's finest Taco Tuesday. Get ready to experience the ultimate vibe. A jam-packed event happening Each & Every week..

Invitation Only Taco Tuesday

Jungle Hollywood 1640 North Cahuenga Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Welcome to LA's finest Taco Tuesday. Get ready to experience the ultimate vibe. A jam-packed event happening Each & Every week..

Invitation Only Taco Tuesday

Jungle Hollywood 1640 North Cahuenga Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Welcome to LA's finest Taco Tuesday. Get ready to experience the ultimate vibe. A jam-packed event happening Each & Every week..


Jungle Hollywood 1640 North Cahuenga Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Unity Crew comes back to LA to celebrate 11 years with DJs Colette, Christi Mills, Mr Bootsauce, Tony Powell, Terence Toy and Dingo.Coco & Friends and Unity present:UNITY 11 YEAR ANNIVERSARYwith DJSCOLETTECHRISTI MILLSMR BOOTSAUCETONY POWELLTERENCE TOYDIN9OSaturdayFeb 8, 20253PM - 10PMJungle Hollywood1640 N Cahuenga Blvd21+